Note: You will need all of these files to run the expression models. I suggest that you download everything from the data page rather than just single files.
Expression data:
- data_from_ouyang/SD1.txt - Ouyang et al. (2009) Supplementary data file 1 (Expression data)
TFAS data:
- data_from_ouyang/SD2.txt - Ouyang et al. (2009) Supplementary data file 2 (ChIP-seq TFAS)
- ensembl.fimo.only.-30000to+30000.tsv - Non-tissue-specific in silico TFAS.
- ensembl.fimoplus.loglikelihood.-30000to+30000.tsv - Tissue-specific in silico TFAS.
- ensembl.fimoplus.loglikelihood.-30000to+30000.threshold.gte4.956.tsv - Strong site only tissue-specific in silico TFAS.
- ensembl.fimoplus.loglikelihood.-30000to+30000.threshold.lt4.956.tsv - Weak site only tissue-specific in silico TFAS.
Histone and DNase Score data:
- histone_promoter_map.ensembl.4000.4000.tsv - All histone and DNase scores for each TSS.
ID Mapping Files:
- Entrez_IDs_To_Keep_in_Ouyang.tsv - Map of Ouyang IDs to Entrez IDs.
- unique_mappers_entrez_to_ensembl.tsv - Ensembl ID to Entrez ID map.